Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Howell Part #1

     The subject of technology in regards to hospitals and healthcare has progressed rapidly over the last century and a half. Howell begins by summarizing some specific cases in which technology has improved healthcare in the hospital. Howell describes how "Urine analyses, blood tests, even the ordinary x-ray, are no longer identified by most people and in most accounts as being remarkable medical technologies; they are simply part of routine medical care" (Howell 5). It is interesting that society calls these things "standard" because years ago they were unthinkable. I think that the improvement of the education system over the past century has a direct correlation to the improvement in technology. I can expect that the rest of this book will comeback to that quote in one way or another because in order to realize how special the current technology is, one has to be able to look back at what hospitals had access to before this great technology.

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